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World of Warcraft Help -- A Wow Guide for New Players

World of Warcraft Help -- A Wow Guide for New Players

Wow is a Greatly Multiplayer Online Role Play game, or MMOG. It was manufactured by Blizzard Entertainment, and boasts over a million players in total. People around the globe, from just about every country conceivable, have become enslaved by the game

In Wow, a user creates a character and explores the vast world of Azeroth. Players can select from two sides to be on: the Horde or the Alliance. The Horde is made up of more evil characters, such as the undead or trolls. The Alliance is the good guys, and appears like classic knight mottos and values. Through these two teams, users can choose several backgrounds and classes to join that expand the number of choices of unique characters.

Backgrounds are bound to the two teams. For instance, you can only play as a Human if you join Alliance. If you wish to join the Undead, then you must play as the Horde. Backgrounds will have different bonuses for joining them or in some cases, unwanted effects. Some Horde backgrounds such as the Tauren or Orcs will suffer a reputation deficit in the beginning which is essentially how non-playable characters deal with you. For the most part, the backgrounds are balanced to a fair extent on both sides, although the Horde depend more on strength overall rather than brains or mobility.Buy WoW TBC Classic EU

Classes determine what your character will do throughout the game. You might want to be a knight, priest, or rogue up to 9 possibilities in total. From morphing into monsters, to wielding long range tools, the class will ultimately figure out how you play Wow. Some classes are very specific such as the Priest who depends on healing powers to advance in the game. Then there is the Shaman who has a myriad of magical spells, all while being able to execute a fair amount of melee damage.

Wow presents the user with several choices in character creation and that is only the beginning. From here on out, you is immersed in a incredibly large world with literally thousands of activities. The connections, guilds, battles, duels, query, and overall intense action make Wow extremely habit forming and it shows. With over one million players worldwide, the game is the most popular of its kind. To get started, a charge card or pre-paid game card is needed. Despite the monthly fee that is charged, players happily spend money in exchange for the great chance to play such a famous MMOG.

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