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Personal training Trends and the Wrong use of Functional Training -- A Build-a-Better-Body Read

Personal training Trends and the Wrong use of Functional Training -- A Build-a-Better-Body Read

You know, one thing that has always frustrated me about the fitness arena are its trends. There is always something out there that is the new thing, and next week, it'll be something else. One trendy approach that has been milked and mistreated, at the expense of many paying personal training clients, is the method of "functional training. inch Permit me to explain.Mobile Massage

Now, functional lessons in its original pure design is not bad at all and can be very effective. It is simply a technique for address specific functional needs. In most cases, this will be to enhance fitness performance in a specific sport. For example, if an individual skis as a hobby, there are certain "functional" and less traditional exercises that can be applied to enhance their balance and coordination. These functional exercises address the required functions of the respective sport. It is important to note, that even in these instances, traditional strength training approaches still serve as the foundation for the exercise program; the functional exercises should be supplementary.

The issue is that the vast majority of people who seek the assistance of a personal trainer aren't training for a specific sport; they want to look better, feel better about themselves, and grow healthier. People will often tell me "I want to lose weight" or "I want to work on toning my thighs" and so forth. Let me dedicate some time to go into detail just why these functional exercises don't produce the same leads to their traditional counterparts in addressing the aforementioned fitness goals.

When we are performing an anaerobic exercise it is for a very specific reason and we try to separate a certain muscle group, i. e. performing a bicep curl to work your biceps or a chest press to work you chest. We have known for many, many years and years that the best way to improve a body part is to separate it and then exhaust it.

The problem with functional training when it comes to achieving these results is that it does not separate or exhaust a particular muscle group. Take for example performing a lift on a bosu ball (a common functional exercise for balance). Your legs are the most robust muscle group in your body; you can't effectively use enough weight on a bosu ball while maintaining your balance to completely exhaust your leg muscles to achieve improved stiffness and shape.

Functional training truly is a legitimate approach; but it is only necessary for a few specific those that have certain goals, and even then traditional forms of strength training need to be the inspiration and foundation. There is a science behind developing the human body and there are tested and proven traditional forms of exercise that will yield the greatest results those seeking to improve their figure/physique.

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